Ngā Kōrero

Other Information


Vision & Mission

Tohu Whakamarama

Logo Explanation

Other Information

Absence from School.

Parents can leave a message on answer phone, text or phone office or send a note explaining student absence.


The kura operates an open door policy for whanau  but it is important that visitors report to the office. This is to prevent unauthorised access and to monitor who is on kura grounds.

Behaviour Policy.

The Kura has a comprehensive Behaviour Policy with a zero – tolerance to bullying, fighting and put downs,


Students are picked up from their home and dropped off at their home after kura by the kura vans. Transport subsidy is available to students who are outside the area of the kura van runs.

Transport Destination Change.

Any changes to pick up or drop off destinations have to be advised to office by phone call or note from student’s parent/caregiver


Stationery requirements are currently provided by the kura.

Enrolments  and Transition.

Enrolment packs are available from office. Transition class is available once a week for Kohanga tamariki at age 4 1/2  years who intend enrolling at  the kura.

Kapa Haka.

Kapa Haka is an important part of kura activities and all tamariki  are given the opportunity to participate in kapa haka and to also contest selection for the competitive groups.


Parents/caregivers receive a written report on their tamariki   achievement at the end of term two and term four at which time Kaiako are available for parent interviews to discuss tamariki progress.


Panui are sent home with students when required to keep whanau informed of any upcoming school events and programmes.

Sun Smart:

Te Orini is a sun smart kura. Tamariki are expected to wear their hats in sunny weather and are encouraged to drink water. Sunscreen is available also.


Students have swimming lessons and practice at the Aquatic Centre in Term one and term four.


All students are expected to wear the kura uniform. Uniform requirements can be ordered at kura office.


Students have the opportunity to play numerous sports at kura;  ie; Rugby, Soccer, Basketball, Netball, Ball  Games, Ki o Rahi. Students also compete in numerous inter-school sports events.

Fizzy Free:

As part of kura Health Policy the kura has a Fizzy Free drink policy.

Mobile Phones:

Use of mobile phone during school day is not permitted. Mobiles can be left in office if required for after school use.

Breakfast and LUNCH in Schools:

Te Orini currently provides breakfast for tamariki in each classroom.

Te Orini also provide lunches as part of the Ka Ora Ka Ako (Free and Healthy Lunches) programme.

Fruit in Schools:

As part of the Fruit in schools programme all students are provided with fruit at kura.

Wharekura (Secondary), TAU 9-13 (yr 9-13):

Wharekura Subjects:

Core subjects offered in 2021 include; Te Reo Rangatira, English, Mathematics, Physical Education and Health, Maori Performing Arts, Social Studies, Art, Music, and Media Studies.

Specialist tutors offer Visual Arts (wānanga) and Music. Carpentry and Carving will be introduced once the Whare Hangarau (Hard tech) work shed is complete.

Hononga Tere

KEI HEA - Location

33 Meadow Vale
Coastlands, Whakatane

TO MĀTAU RA – Our School Day

M-F: 8am – 4pm
Weekends: Closed

WAEA & I-MEERA - Phone & Email

Whakataunga Kōrerotanga

Terms of Reference

Te Aho Matua

Te Aho Matua

Ngā Kōrero

Other Information