Tohu Whakamarama
Logo Explanation
Koenei ngā kaitiaki o to mātau kura. Tirohia Te Whakamaramatanga
These are representations of the kaitiaki of our kura. See Te Whakamaramatanga.
Vision & Mission
Tohu Whakamarama
Logo Explanation
Te Whakamaramatanga
Kura Logo.
The Back Bone (The three Rays)
Represents: The Father, The Son & The Holy Spirit
Teachings & Blessings that come from above, travel through the Wheke (Kaiako & Tamariki)
Te Puku o Te Wheke (Octopus)
Represents: Kaiako & Tamariki, that forms the shape of Whale Island.
The head of the Wheke is the Kaiako and the Tentacles are the Tamariki.
Tuna: (Eel)
Represents: The Awa & the Kura.
The Water signifies cleansing & the Tuna links into the Mangopare.
Mangopare (Caretaker)
Represents: Kaitiaki.
Our Main Kaitiaki whom looks after everybody of the Kura and it’s belongings.
Nga Raupo (Plant)
Represents: Growth.
The Space to the right of the Backbone:
Represents: The unknown that lies ahead.

MŌHIO TERE – Quick Info
KEI HEA - Location
33 Meadow Vale
Coastlands, Whakatane
TO MĀTAU RA – Our School Day
M-F: 8am – 4pm
Weekends: Closed
WAEA & I-MEERA - Phone & Email